Monday, July 25, 2011

The World, India and Life

There is something about Indians. They seem to know what is ideal for living, they seem to criticize the Western fraternity and values. (or lack of values). They alse seem to accept that the western world manages their infrastructure and environment better than India, surprisingly INDIANS also seem to admit that we are not where we should be with regards to cleanliness, infrastructure, transparency and N other spectrum. What makes US most unique is that we can sit for decades without really doing anything about it. All we care end of day is IIT/IIM admission for kids, safe bank balance, enough money and gold to secure your kid's future and our post - retirement life.

Very true agreed that these are of extreme importantance. But what is also important is to leave a place for our next generation to live in this same LAND and rejoice the smell of OUR soil. what if all our kids want to go to western countries and life their life in a much well maintained infrastructure? We will have no one to see the houses/wealth and richness we left for them. They will enter a western world to live basic life well and loose the sense of belonging.

CHANGE in INDIA should be driven as a large scale project. Rule should be a rule. starting from trash cans to reuse of waste, decorum, discipline, empathy and sympathy and then come spirituality.

Thanks to the growing townships we could start all these pretty easily. We could first unite townships to a common progress and then to the neighbouring towanships. Make a small township well maintained, idealistic then extend this to a town and to a city then to a district. Slowly things should fall in place as a nation.

1. Take no bribe
2. Avoid power wastages
3. Extend helping hand
4. Sponsor your watchman's kid education
5. Create domestic employment process and oppurtunity
6. Part time education for paper boys
7. Avoid noise pollution
8. Celebrate festivals in a safe/controlled environment with respect to elders in a community
9. Create a sense of trust/care and belonging in kids
10. Face rain / flood/ drought situations together and with empathy
11. Make a beggar less township
12. Carpooling
13. resource sharing

Small small and very small things. Shouldnt it be possible??

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