Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I am the hero of Ra.One

This movie is very special. The pair of movie tickets for the Sunday Night show lightenedd up the face/eyes that saw the ticket.

Since then i have been a Hero /heroine?? at my home. I could see the dreams in those pair of eyes like a LED TV shining. That smile is the best i cannot forget. How much bliss is LOVE i thought..it doesnt care about where/how who is about the movie. All that mattered was the togetherness and moments that would be shared among them. Giggles and smiles and a little romance to spice up the evening that too on a free ticket to a premium luxury movie of Shah Rukh Khan.

For a change this time the ticket wasn't about me or my husband or my little daughter. It is my maid and her husband. Ra.One truly made me feel special and her more special!

Inspired by Chetan Bhagat as a gift to my maid who helps me with a smile day in and day out. We call her fouziya!

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