Thursday, November 24, 2011

Me, Gmom and school admission for Aradhana

Me and Gmom again:
ME: Schools schools schools..i Donno which one to choose. Some has CBSE, Some ICSE, Some high fee some low fee
GMOM: Why this complexity? whichever is near and good school timing you can choose that with CBSE syllabus.
ME: GMOM, ooo you are so outdated and you dont understand. The best school has all the high class people coming in where kids are from filmstar and business men folks and they come more for celebrating.
GMOM: Ok so?
ME: What so...then ammu will also become like that. She will not like to come home, she will feel inferior when i pick her up in a poor old santro xing! :( she will not be a star....
GMOM: What are you talking? Did you all become like that. There was only one good school in your village the panchayat' head's daughter also came there;MLAs daughter also came there; and ayamma's kid also went there. You, the middle class venu's daughter also went there. Until for the admission time there after people knew us as Viji's parents rather than she is daughter of who is who??? And you did not want to be the Business man's daughter then or even now. Infact i would say you should put your kid where ever you feel is affordable and reasonably good education is given. And she should understand her level and her background and start to live in harmony with all classes. I donno why your schools did not teach you this basic

ME: @(&^3@#$&*^#$*&$^#%&*^$%&^%^$*&..Ok so now tell me which school???

GMOM: (&@#^*#&$*^AGAIN you start this????

hahahahahahha....all parents looking for LKG admissions will agree with me on this!

ARADHNA: Mummy i told you already i want to go to US and study there OR DPS...why you are talking again and again!

ME AND GMOM: @**(&#@#&^@*#%@%#^@^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ DPS WE ARE COMING!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

முதல் முதல்

முதல் முத்தம்
ஈன்றெடுத்தஅம்மாவின் ஆசீர்வாதம்
முதல் வார்த்தை
அம்மா என்ற அற்புத கவிதை
முதல் நட்பு
மழலையில் பூத்த புரியா வரம்
முதல் காதல்
இதயம் தன்னை மறக்கும் முதல் கணம்
முதல் இரவு
பலமுறை மனப்பாடம் செய்தும் தவறும் தருணம்
முதலின் மதிப்பு மறுக்கப்பட முடியாது
முதல் நிகழ்வுகளை முதல் செய்வது அவரவர் விதியும் மதியும் பொருத்தது
விதித்ததை விட்டுவிட்டு மதி செலுத்த வேண்டிய முதல்களை சேமியுங்கள்
மதிமறந்து அல்ல மதி திறந்து செயல்படுங்கள்

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I am the hero of Ra.One

This movie is very special. The pair of movie tickets for the Sunday Night show lightenedd up the face/eyes that saw the ticket.

Since then i have been a Hero /heroine?? at my home. I could see the dreams in those pair of eyes like a LED TV shining. That smile is the best i cannot forget. How much bliss is LOVE i doesnt care about where/how who is about the movie. All that mattered was the togetherness and moments that would be shared among them. Giggles and smiles and a little romance to spice up the evening that too on a free ticket to a premium luxury movie of Shah Rukh Khan.

For a change this time the ticket wasn't about me or my husband or my little daughter. It is my maid and her husband. Ra.One truly made me feel special and her more special!

Inspired by Chetan Bhagat as a gift to my maid who helps me with a smile day in and day out. We call her fouziya!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Diwali Then and Now

1995 - 2000: BANK BALANCE: 20K
On Wednesday Evening: Dad: Ok lets go to RMKV for Diwali purchase the coming Sunday.
KIDS: Wowowowowowoow..I want a frock and a churidar and a gagra choli and same color for me and my sister because then we will fight for each others clothes if not...

Hey this yeah there is a new launch of fashion from XXXX movie. I want that same color. Ashitha has bought the same dress

Friday evening: Hey we should go for shopping so lets finish all the homeworks let us finish the test preparation for Monday. Ohhh lets finish playing also else we will miss the Sunday afternoon fun.....

DIWALI TOMORROW: OMG we have not purchased clothes/crackers.
HUSBAND: O please dont diturb me i gotta meeting at 8.30. I will try to wrap it for you guys 10 minutes early. The nearest shop will be open till 10.00..Lets rush and make fast selections ok???

ON DIWALI HUSBAND: O dear we have a important decision making call...can you stop that TV for a while? Can you call the driver hand over some money and get some crackers???

Why dont you and the kid go down to burn some of these meanwhile i wrap up this call and join you guys????

KID: MOM and DAD dont disturb me i gotta see POGO...

MOM: Ok lemme post this on the blog to see how many smile on this fun scene...

TRULY, WHERE ARE WE INDIAN ITIANS GOING??????????????? Would the other side of the world do teh same on their christmas or THANKS giving or New year? Why are we so committed to sacrificing the

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


It is a old movie but gives a new message when i see it every time. Laid back saturday evening after having put my daughter to sleep and turn on the TV just to see Russel is a real treat.

That deep eyes that seem to convey something without a word, the hidden pain, the joy of dying and the painful joy of killing. The Illegal relationship justified so intensely and the feeling for LOVE with no real expectation back between the princess and Maximus...O! how well directed/performed and delivered.

The movie and the background score seems to relate to the age or generation depicted in the movie. So smooth; so intense; so deep and so very special.

The legendary visual treat the dialogues "True Soldier of Rome, father of a murdered son and a husband to a murdered wife" And i will have my revenge in this life or thr next!!! Muuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Gladiator - a true treat of passion power and pain!

Monday, July 25, 2011

The World, India and Life

There is something about Indians. They seem to know what is ideal for living, they seem to criticize the Western fraternity and values. (or lack of values). They alse seem to accept that the western world manages their infrastructure and environment better than India, surprisingly INDIANS also seem to admit that we are not where we should be with regards to cleanliness, infrastructure, transparency and N other spectrum. What makes US most unique is that we can sit for decades without really doing anything about it. All we care end of day is IIT/IIM admission for kids, safe bank balance, enough money and gold to secure your kid's future and our post - retirement life.

Very true agreed that these are of extreme importantance. But what is also important is to leave a place for our next generation to live in this same LAND and rejoice the smell of OUR soil. what if all our kids want to go to western countries and life their life in a much well maintained infrastructure? We will have no one to see the houses/wealth and richness we left for them. They will enter a western world to live basic life well and loose the sense of belonging.

CHANGE in INDIA should be driven as a large scale project. Rule should be a rule. starting from trash cans to reuse of waste, decorum, discipline, empathy and sympathy and then come spirituality.

Thanks to the growing townships we could start all these pretty easily. We could first unite townships to a common progress and then to the neighbouring towanships. Make a small township well maintained, idealistic then extend this to a town and to a city then to a district. Slowly things should fall in place as a nation.

1. Take no bribe
2. Avoid power wastages
3. Extend helping hand
4. Sponsor your watchman's kid education
5. Create domestic employment process and oppurtunity
6. Part time education for paper boys
7. Avoid noise pollution
8. Celebrate festivals in a safe/controlled environment with respect to elders in a community
9. Create a sense of trust/care and belonging in kids
10. Face rain / flood/ drought situations together and with empathy
11. Make a beggar less township
12. Carpooling
13. resource sharing

Small small and very small things. Shouldnt it be possible??

Monday, June 27, 2011

Pediatrician and Me

Me: My kid has symptom 1 and 2 and 3.
Doctor: Ignore ma. nothing serios she is stressed.
Me: No doctor, Google says, if 1 and 2 then she has N syndrome and 3 for M syndrome and 1 2 and 3 for L syndrome.

Doctor: I have 1 ,2 3 and 4...what does google say?? it is just a involuntary action in your kid..she is perfectly alright

Me: (Annoyed)..No dcotor my kid seems to continue this symptom without stopping. Intentionally or unintentionally she seems to have a problem we should cure without ignoring until accute stages, Please check doctor,

Doctor: Thinks for a while...Writes a rather big list this time and hand out to my husband.

Me: (Already annoyed that i am being ignored)..but painfully peep into the list. It reads...

Ref: Referring the patient for further analysis and study for unintentional mental disorder. Patient displays abnormal level of tension/stress and depression.

Ref to Dr. XYXX.

Gender: Female
Age: 30
Name: Vijayalakshmi

ME: :-(( HUNG Face....My kid and husband: ????????????????

DOCTOR: YOU WILL BE ALRIGHT MA this is common in first time mothers. But you can stop your profession to Engineering, we spend approximately 7 years for getting a MBBS degree and apparently more informed that you and GOOGLE on reading symptoms!!!


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pathi Pathni Haircut and Gmom

Well, not many Indian grand daughters will be surprised with the amount of affection me and my gmom share. Like many of you i am a totally pampered g.daughter and being named on her i get all the special attention.

No wonder that had made me in-sensitive to any other intensity/frequency of I was recently so surprised and taken back to realize that education and the working women pride in my head has taken away the wisdom/value of love/tolerence and super special love offering that INDIAN WOMEN OF THE PAST surrendered to their better half. Well i am no way going back to that state but atleast i though to all those who are too much into the future vision and run and chase of life/job atleast get back to listen to these "Living Universities around us"

Incidient: I picked up a heavy fight with my husband (all natural every day right lol) about him not allowing me to cut my hair the way i wanted. I was insisting that he starts to like me the way i like and me not turning the way he likes. I had a full 3 days of cribbing fighting sour talks and finally got convinced that i look good as i am.

I go home to my gmom and say that 'Men Men Men, i hate them and the marriage has looted all my freedom and what not"....Suddenly i noticed that my gmom was seeing her old (young rather) albums where she and her sisted were singing before a well 500+ audience. I started shouting at her instantly; "You are an idiot; you are so senseless and see how grand pa limited all your talents by not allowing you to shine as a celebrity" wasted your life, he wasted your life blah.....blah....blah.....

She replied "I sang 16 years just to be the best singer in the world,,and yeah it was a great passion and it meant a lot to me..It was my life's ambition. I wanted to stop singing the day i was a best singer. i use to feel so great whenever some one comes and tells me i did a great performance...


G Mom continues...One day i come down the stage and your grand pa who usually watches news and prefers being in a quiet library walked down near the stage and told me "Its too late stop this and come home now". After the last song we went home and then he asked me to sing that song again for him. He listened twice and said " You voice has such a miracle and you sing so great". It was too simple a statement but that pride and price of that statement to hear from him over whelmed the appreciations i got so long and that may possibly come in future..."

I never went on a stage again and it is my personal choice to surrender to what he likes. He never encouraged me to sing but he fullfilled the biggest desire of me so easily with a few words...And thats all i wanted in life the satisfaction of the best singer in MY WORLD...

After this she did give a stare to me and said..Your husband said a 101 times you look so beatiful and that did not register in your mind as opposed to the reason why he did not want you a hair cut. And when you DO have the hair cut if he does not repeat it for the 102nd time what reason would you have to fight ;) :)

I decided not to fight again...WAIT...NOT TO FIGHT AGAIN ABOUT THE HAIR CUT ONLY ***Conditions apply